
11 June, 2018

KLM traffic growth levels out in May

The Royal Dutch Airline, KLM says that following consistently strong growth from January through April 2018,  it saw traffic growth levelling out in May, with passenger traffic increasing 2.7% compared to May 2017.

“On intercontinental flights, there was a slight increase in capacity, particularly on routes to North, Central and South America. There was no capacity growth on routes to European destinations, due to slot restrictions at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Flights were fuller, however, with higher passenger figures. During the first five months of the year, KLM welcomed 7.1% more passengers, but growth was significantly lower in May (2.7%) than it was in the preceding months. This substantial decline for KLM confirms the importance and urgency of discussing further growth at Schiphol" Pieter Elbers - KLM President & CEO

Transavia Netherlands reported an increase in traffic, with capacity almost stable, resulting in higher load factor. KLM Cargo saw load factor rise by 1.1 percentage point in May, while both traffic and capacity were down compared to May 2017.