
20 June, 2018

British Airways sells cheap tickets and then cancels them for being too cheap!

Nearly 2500 passengers of British Airways have had their travel plans scuppered by the carrier who have cancelled their tickets - but not for the more usual reasons of bad weather or a broken down aircraft, but because it sold the tickets too cheaply!

Passengers booking in good faith mainly through online travel companies, although some have said they booked directly with BA on, had snapped up some bargain tickets to Dubai and Tel Aviv. They've now been left in the lurch by the company which has called a halt to the deals it offered with tickets and plans cancelled.  The airline said the sale fares that averaged £220 return to Dubai and £200 to Tel Aviv been a mistake and bluntly said in a statement: "Errors like this are exceptionally rare, and if they do occur, under contract law, there is no binding contract between the parties."  Reluctantly they later added, "We have apologised to customers and offered a gesture of goodwill."  The gesture of goodwill in this occasion the chance to continue with their book flights at a much higher cost and take a voucher of £100 for a future flight, yet the restrictions on the voucher make it all but impossible for most people to use, according to those affected.


Ash Dubbay, from London who booked through Travel Up agency, said he had booked a return flight to Tel Aviv for £195 but now has to pay about £1,000 - or not go!

Another passenger, Rita who had booked the special fares to Dubai complained that British Airways hadn't let her know in advance and only found out when she went online to pre-book seats together with her two children. "I think this is absolutely disgusting, we booked the tickets in the proper way, paid the fare they said, then find it to be cancelled as BA made a cock-up. It's not my fault they made a mistake.  It's not my 6-year-old's fault they made a mistake, but now he has to suffer by not going on a dream holiday to Dubai. I'm beyond disappointed" she said. 

"The moral of this tale is, never trust British Airways." another passenger told us after his Tel Aviv ticket had been cancelled by BA.