
10 April, 2018

Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace creating now lower-deck passenger facilities

Above us only sky, but below is where there is room to grow! At least that's what European planemaker Airbus and Zodiac Aerospace are indicating with an ingenious look at what could be below the main deck of the leading aircraft manufacturers Airbus A330 aircraft.

Together they have developed great possibilities for special passenger modules that could easily fit in the aircraft's existing cargo compartments. There are modules for a kids play area, or a lounge and a medical centre and even sleeping pods!
Sleeping berths would fit inside the 
aircraft’s existing cargo compartments

The modules, which would fit inside the aircraft’s cargo compartments, offer new opportunities for additional services to passengers, improving their experience while enabling airlines to differentiate and add value to their commercial operations. A massive bonus feature will be the ease of interchanging the new passenger modules with regular cargo containers, which can be completed during a typical turnaround if required. Moreover, there isn't a need for massive structural changes to the aircraft's cargo floor or cargo loading system as the passenger module will sit directly on it.
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Christophe Bernardini, Chief Executive Officer of Zodiac Aerospace Cabin Branch said: “We are delighted to work with Airbus on this new and innovative project, which reaffirms our expertise in lower-deck solutions. An improved passenger experience is today a key element of differentiation for airlines.”

Geoff Pinner, Head of Airbus Cabin & Cargo Programme said: “This approach to commercial air travel is a step change towards passenger comfort. We have already received very positive feedback from several airlines on our first mock-ups. We are pleased to partner with Zodiac Aerospace on this project which will introduce a new passenger experience and add value for airlines.”

Airlines will initially be able to choose from a catalogue of certified solutions by 2020 on A330 for retrofit and line-fit markets. The possibility of adding the sleeping pod compartments on the A350 XWB range of aircraft is also being studied. 

Zodiac Aerospace has experience of working with Airbus as they already produce and integrate lower-deck crew-rest facilities on Airbus planes. They are currently showing a mockup of the sleeping pod module at the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg, Germany.