
01 December, 2017

Wizz Air whizzes in to snap up Monarch's Luton slots

The Hungarian based Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe will be rapidly expanding it's UK operations after it announced this week it had snapped up former Monarch' Airlines slots at Luton.

The super budget carrier purchased a large number of take-off and landing slots at London Luton and will also increase its based aircraft there from five to seven.

This new investment will see Wizz Air’s capacity in its London Luton base increase by 18% year on year, to a total of 7.1 million seats in 2018.  There will be more than 10,000 additional low fare seats available on 28 new additional flights departing every week from London Luton airport to some of Europe’s most exciting and less-discovered destinations.  Wizz Air will also be recruiting an addition 70 members of staff for the expanded base at Luton. 

Wizz Air Chief Executive Officer, József Váradi commented: “We continue to develop our business in the United Kingdom. Following the announcements of establishing Wizz Air UK and our accelerated growth plan, just a few days ago here we go again. Acquiring airport slots and airport nightstands at Luton Airport will enable us to enhance our presence and competitive position in the London market. In summer Wizz Air UK will operate a fleet of 7 A320/A321 aircraft, to grow the overall WIZZ capacity by 18% in 2018. While BREXIT will certainly pose challenges to the airline industry, we see it as an opportunity for Wizz Air, as our highly efficient low fare model will prevail even more under the new circumstances.”

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