
15 December, 2017

Ryanair to recognise unions.....

Just days after Ryanair issued an antagonistic and bullish statement refusing to recognise any pilot unions, it seems the threat of pilot strikes in at least four European countries has forced the low-fare and high-fee airline to think again.

The airline has never before recognised unions, however now it has written to pilot unions in Ireland, the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal inviting them for talks.  The airline says its time for a change, it is the evolution of the airline,  pilots had "asked for this form of collective bargaining, we've agreed to it because we feel the time is right" that carrier told the BBC.

The Irish airline said it would recognise unions "as the representative body for pilots in Ryanair in each of these countries, as long as they establish committees of Ryanair pilots to deal with Ryanair issues, as Ryanair will not engage with pilots who fly for competitor airlines in Ireland or elsewhere".

Impact, the Irish pilots' union, confirmed it had been sent a copy of the letter and was considering its contents carefully. UK pilots' union Balpa also confirmed it had also received a written offer of recognition talks from Ryanair and has accepted the invitation to such talks.

Ryanair called on the unions to cancel the planned strikes due to start on 20th December, so far only the Italian union ha agreed to suspend strike action.

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