
24 December, 2017

Emirates Banned From Tunisia

Emirates has been banned from landing in Tunisia or using its airspace it has emerged today following widespread anger in Tunisia after some Tunisian women were prevented from boarding Emirates flights.

The Tunisian transport ministry advised the measure would stay in force until Emirates was able to "operate flights in accordance with law and international agreements".

However, officials in the UAE said "security information" regarding visa's had caused the delays. "We contacted our Tunisian brothers about security information that necessitated taking specific procedures," Emirati Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash said via social media today, adding "We highly value Tunisian women and respect them," .

Tunisian government officials said the UAE had banned Tunisian women from flying to or transiting through its territory.  On Friday the Tunisian government said it had asked the UAE ambassador to clarify what was happening and had been told that the measures had been temporary and had already been lifted.

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