
26 October, 2017

Finnair becomes first non-Chinese airline in the world to collaborate with Chinese

Finnair will start a collaboration with, also known as Jingdong, one of the leading e-commerce companies in China. Finnair will be the first non-Chinese airline to open a flagship store for online flight bookings on the JD Travel platform, in the beginning of 2018. The collaboration also includes promotions and loyalty member partnerships.  

As a travel service platform for one of China´s largest online retailers, JD Travel benefits from’s 258.3 million customer base. Through partnering with Finnair, JD Travel will deepen its foothold in the international travel market.

“This collaboration is an important milestone for Finnair and shows our commitment to offer more choices and localized services for our Chinese customers. As part of this collaboration, loyalty members will also be able to exchange points between Finnair Plus and JD Travel,” says Mr. Juha Järvinen, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Finnair.

“We are pleased to work with Finnair, an internationally respected name in international air travel, to bring more high-quality travel options to our international-minded customers,” says Mr. Feng Sun, General Manager of JD Travel. “We believe that this partnership will help Finnair connect with our more than a quarter of a billion consumers, opening up a significant new market.”   

Over the past decade, Finnair has placed a strong strategic focus on the Chinese market and is fast becoming one of the biggest and most preferred European carriers operating between Europe and China. The opening of the Nanjing route in May 2018 will increase Finnair’s growing footprint in Northeast Asia, with the Finnish carrier flying to seven destinations in Greater China during the 2018 summer season.