
28 October, 2017

Aircraft Evacuation Sling For Wheelchair Users?

ADAPTS  today announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for the world's first affordable and portable emergency evacuation sling for wheelchair users on an aerolane. Simultaneously, A Disabled Passenger Transfer Sling (ADAPTS), will be demonstrated for the first time at the Abilities Expo in San Mateo, Calif. this weekend.

ADAPTS solves the longstanding problem of how to quickly and safely evacuate people with disabilities and injured people from disasters. ADAPTS' lightweight and strong fabric allows rescuers to move people to first responders. The convenient sling is essential anywhere a disaster strikes, including aircraft, cruise ships, public venues, hotels and homes. The compact sling is easy for travelers to carry. It can be used to rescue people from anywhere a stretcher can't go, such as floods, hurricanes, fires or earthquakes.

"When I was a flight attendant, I knew we needed a better way to save people, an actual device to move passengers with disabilities away from an aeroplane crash fast," Robin Wearley, founder of ADAPTS LLC, said.

"Every day I worry about people in wheelchairs who travel on planes," Wearley added.

Precious Time and Lives Can be Saved with ADAPTS,  "Products like the ADAPTS system fill an important safety need for the entire disabled community," Jeff Butler, 2016 Paralympic Games USA wheelchair rugby team silver medalist, said.

There is no affordable assistive device available in the marketplace today that carries wheelchair users or the injured down a narrow aisle to emergency exits during an airplane evacuation, according to ADAPTS LLC research.

"As wheelchair travelers increase in number and take to the skies, it is only a matter of time until one of us is caught in a life-and-death situation on an airplane," John Morris, disability advocate at, said.

Currently, the grab and run method is the primary way airline crews get wheelchair passengers off of planes. ADAPTS allows anybody to rescue passengers, saving precious time during an emergency. Once at the bottom of the slide, they can be rapidly carried to first responders.

"Any evacuation device needs to be fast and simple to use, water and flame resistant, and have no sharp points to puncture inflatable slides," Wearley said.

Kickstarter Brings ADAPTS to the World.  From 27th Oct. through to 18th Dec. ADAPTS will be available through Kickstarter for a pre-order price of $129. The yellow sling is made from sturdy life jacket fabric and folds into a tote. Backers can support ADAPTS at a variety of reward levels.

ADAPTS will be demonstrated for the first time at the San Mateo Abilities Expo this weekend at booth 340. The Expo features recent technologies, products and lifestyle solutions to improve the lives of people with disabilities and their communities.

More information about ADAPTS and its Kickstarter campaign can be found here, and

ADAPTS LLC is based in San Francisco and founded in 2016 by Robin Wearley, a former flight attendant. She developed ADAPTS to quickly transport passengers with disabilities and injured people to safety anywhere a disaster strikes. ADAPTS will be made in the USA of domestic and imported materials. The patent is pending.

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