
14 September, 2017

Bomb Scare Causes Aircraft Evacuation in Germany

A bomb threat against a Turkish Airlines flight at Cologne-Bonn airport forces aircraft to make an emergency stop as it taxied towards the runway.

The drama played out earlier today after a telephone threat was called in, “From the telephone call, it was clear the caller was targeting a Turkish Airlines flight,” a Federal Police spokesman said.  Such was the seriousness of the call, the aircraft was ordered to make an immediate stop and a complete and comprehensive search of the aircraft. 

The Airbus A321 registration TC-JRO was initially scheduled to depart at 10.00 am local time on flight TK1672.

The 111 passengers on the flight were taken back to the terminal building while searches were carried out. 

Meanwhile, the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned an attack on the Turkish Airlines' Athens office by a far-left group that took place yesterday.

In a statement, the ministry cited Greek police as saying anarchist group Rubicon had claimed responsibility for the attack that took place on Wednesday morning.

"The group also perpetrated attacks against our embassy in Athens on July 26, 2016, and our consulate general in Komotini on Feb. 5, 2017," the statement said.

"We expect that the perpetrators of these acts against Turkish representations in Greece be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible."

However local media are reporting a lack of appetite among the Greek Police in Athens for an exhaustive investigation into the incidents.   

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