
30 September, 2017

bmi regional cares

bmi regional are about to show their caring side by demonstrating support for those suffering with cancer by joining in with the aviation industry’s fight against the disease. The airline will be taking part in Fly Pink, a campaign to raise awareness and funds for Cancer Research UK.

Throughout October 2017, captains, first officers and cabin crew will don pink lanyards, badges and epaulettes on bmi regional flights.  Other departments within bmi regional such as engineering, commercial and finance departments will also joining in the effort, to raise awareness of the campaign by operating local and in-house events.

Customers will be encouraged to support the campaign by donating to bmi regional’s Just Giving Page, which can be accessed via  In addition to the staff dress code, crew will be on hand to explain the Fly Pink initiative to all customers travelling on bmi regional flights.

Commenting on the campaign, bmi regional’s Chief Commercial Officer Jochen Schnadt said: “bmi regional is proud to support Fly Pink.  Cancer is an illness that affects many people and to be able to raise awareness for such a worthwhile cause is of great importance to us at bmi regional.  We all know someone that has been affected by this dreadful disease so we are confident that between our customers, crew and staff we’ll be able to deliver our support for this important campaign on both a financial and commercial level.”
Kate Constance, Local Fundraising Manager for Cancer Research UK said: ”We are very excited for bmi regional’s Fly Pink in October. It will really help get our message across to all bmi regional passengers and help raise vital funds.

“Every donation made will help save lives by funding research to accelerate the charity’s progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

“Cancer survival has doubled since the early 1970s and Cancer Research UK’s work has been at the heart of that progress – but every step our doctors, nurses and scientists take relies on donations from the public and the tireless fundraising of our supporters.”

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