
16 September, 2017

Air India Aircraft Hits Ground Vehicle

Photo HT

An investigation has been launched after an arriving Air India aircraft hit a parked ground vehicle at Delhi on Friday.

The incident occurred at around 9.40pm local time on Friday evening when  the aircraft that had recently arrived from Vadorara was manoeuvring into its parking bay C33.

The aircraft's number 1 engine (port side) struck the stationary ground cooling unit which then scraped along the side of the engine a short distance.  Even though the damage to both engine and ground unit is understood to be minimal and mostly cosmetic the airline has instigated its own high-level investigation into the incident.  This is, according to Air India in addition to and independent of any other investigations by regulatory authorities.  “The committee will submit the report within seven days. This committee is apart from other committee constituted by other regularity bodies,” said a spokesperson of Air India.

Ground cooling units are common support equipment at Delhi  and is used to air condition the aircraft while its on the ground to maintain comfortable temperatures.

You can book Air India flights on Opodo

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