25 July, 2024

Volaris reports financial results for the second quarter 2024

Volaris, the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) serving Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America, has released its unaudited financial results for the second quarter of 2024.

Enrique Beltranena, President & Chief Executive Officer, said: “Volaris continues to perform positively, achieving our highest absolute EBITDAR for a second quarter despite the fleet groundings due to accelerated engine inspections. Volaris’ unwavering focus on execution and efficient cost control has enabled us to deliver strong results. Our mitigation plan is on track with favorable outcomes, and we have largely achieved our goals since the inspections began. In fact, we are improving our full-year ASM guidance to -14%3. We currently have a well-balanced market mix, with an increased presence in the cross-border market that has strengthened our TRASM, and our booking curves indicate ongoing robust performance for the summer high season.

With recent updates from Pratt & Whitney, we are cautiously optimistic about this evolving situation, but we recognize that the engine's time on wing remains a challenge. Looking ahead, as grounded aircraft gradually return to our productive fleet, we expect recent unit revenue levels to remain resilient and remain committed to prudent and rational growth, prioritizing profitability.”

Second Quarter 2024 Highlights

(All figures are reported in U.S. dollars and compared to 2Q 2023 unless otherwise noted)

Net income of $10 million. Earnings per American Depositary Shares (ADS) of $9 cents.
Total operating revenue of $726 million, a 7.2% decrease.
Total revenue per available seat mile (TRASM) increased 12% to $8.89 cents.
Available seat miles (ASMs) decreased by 17% to 8.2 billion.
Total operating expenses of $660 million, representing 91% of total operating revenue.
Total operating expenses per available seat mile (CASM) increased 9.1% to $8.08 cents.
Average economic fuel cost increased 6.1% to $2.86 per gallon.
CASM ex fuel increased 11% to $5.33 cents.
EBITDAR of $261 million, a 23% increase.
EBITDAR margin was 35.9%, an increase of 8.8 percentage points.
Total cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and short-term investments totaled $774 million, representing 24% of the last twelve months’ total operating revenue.
Net debt-to-LTM EBITDAR2 ratio decreased to 2.9x, compared to 3.1x in the previous quarter.

1 The financial information, unless otherwise indicated, is presented in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
2 Includes short-term investments.

Second Quarter 2024
(All figures are reported in U.S. dollars and compared to 2Q 2023 unless otherwise noted)

Total operating revenue amounted to $726 million in the quarter, driven by strong domestic demand and an improvement in total operating revenue per passenger. This represents a 7.2% decrease, notwithstanding the 17% reduction in total capacity resulting from aircraft-on-ground (AOG) due to Pratt & Whitney’s accelerated engine inspections.

Total capacity, in terms of available seat miles (ASMs), was 8.2 billion.

Booked passengers totaled 7.1 million, a 15% decrease. Mexican domestic and international booked passengers decreased 18% and 4.9%, respectively.

The load factor for the quarter reached 85.5%, representing an increase of 0.9 percentage points.

TRASM rose 12% to $8.89 cents, and total operating revenue per passenger stood at $102, representing a 9.8% increase.

The average base fare was $49, a 4.3% increase. The total ancillary revenue per passenger was $53, reflecting a 15% improvement. Ancillary revenue represented 52% of total operating revenue, up by 2.6 percentage points.

Total operating expenses were $660 million, representing 91% of total operating revenue.

CASM totaled $8.08 cents, a 9.1% increase when compared to the same period of 2023.

The average economic fuel cost rose 6.1% to $2.86 per gallon.

CASM ex fuel increased 11% to $5.33 cents, mainly due to the AOG due to Pratt and Whitney's engine preventive accelerated inspections.

Comprehensive financing result represented an expense of $52 million, compared to a $43 million expense in the same period of the previous year.

Income tax expense was $4 million, compared to a $2 million expense registered in the second quarter of 2023.

Net income in the quarter was $10 million, with an earnings per ADS of $9 cents.

EBITDAR for the quarter was $261 million, a 23% improvement, primarily attributable to strong unit revenues and efficient cost control, partially offset by an increase in fuel prices. EBITDAR margin stood at 35.9%, up by 8.8 percentage points.

Balance Sheet, Liquidity, and Capital Allocation

For the quarter, net cash flow provided by operating activities was $304 million. Net cash flow used in investing and financing activities was $141 million and $149 million, respectively.

As of June 30, 2024, cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and short-term investments were $774 million, representing 24% of the last twelve months' total operating revenue.

The financial debt amounted to $638 million, while total lease liabilities stood at $3,003 million, resulting in a net debt of $2,8677 million.

Net debt-to-LTM EBITDAR7 ratio stood at 2.9x, compared to 3.1x in the previous quarter and 3.5x in the same period of 2023.

The average exchange rate for the period was Ps.17.21 per U.S. dollar, a 2.9% appreciation. At the end of the second quarter, the exchange rate stood at Ps.18.38 per U.S. dollar.

7 Includes short-term investments.


During the second quarter, Volaris added two A321neo aircraft to its fleet, bringing the total number of aircraft to 136. At the end of the quarter, Volaris’ fleet had an average age of 6.1 years and an average seating capacity of 197 passengers per aircraft. Of the total fleet, 60% of the aircraft are New Engine Option (NEO) models.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Financial and Operating Indicators
(U.S. dollars, except otherwise indicated)
Three months ended June 30, 2024Three months ended June 30, 2023Variance
Total operating revenues (millions)726782(7.2%)
Total operating expenses (millions)660731(9.7%)
EBIT (millions)665129.4%
EBIT margin9.1%6.5%2.6 pp
Depreciation and amortization (millions)15012124.0%
Aircraft and engine variable lease expenses (millions)454012.5%
Net income (millions)10666.7%
Net income margin1.4%0.7%0.7 pp
Earnings per share (1):   
Earnings per ADS*:   
Weighted average shares outstanding:   
Financial Indicators   
Total operating revenue per ASM (TRASM) (cents) (2)8.897.9212.2%
Average base fare per passenger49474.3%
Total ancillary revenue per passenger (3)534615.3%
Total operating revenue per passenger102939.8%
Operating expenses per ASM (CASM) (cents) (2)8.087.409.1%
CASM ex fuel (cents) (2)5.334.8210.7%
Adjusted CASM ex fuel (cents) (2) (4)4.864.439.6%
Operating Indicators   
Available seat miles (ASMs) (millions) (2)8,1739,873(17.2%)
Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) (millions) (2)6,9888,348(16.3%)
Load factor (5)85.5%84.6%0.9 pp
Domestic90.1%85.3%4.9 pp
International78.7%83.0%(4.3 pp)
Booked passengers (thousands) (2)7,0878,373(15.4%)
Departures (2)42,49551,127(16.9%)
Block hours (2)109,638132,965(17.5%)
Aircraft at end of period13612313
Average aircraft utilization (block hours)13.0513.27(1.7%)
Fuel gallons accrued (millions)77.9394.04(17.1%)
Average economic fuel cost per gallon (6)2.862.706.1%
Average exchange rate17.2117.72(2.9%)
Exchange rate at the end of the period18.3817.077.6%
*Each ADS represents ten CPOs and each CPO represents a financial interest in one Series A share.
(1) The basic and diluted loss or earnings per share are calculated in
accordance with IAS 33. Basic loss or earnings per share is calculated by
dividing net loss or earnings by the average number of shares outstanding
(excluding treasury shares). Diluted loss or earnings per share is calculated by
dividing net loss or earnings by the average number of shares outstanding
adjusted for dilutive effects.
(2) Includes schedule and charter.
(3) Includes “Other passenger revenues” and “Non-passenger revenues”.
(4) Excludes fuel expense, aircraft and engine variable lease expenses and sale
and lease-back gains.
(5) Includes schedule.
(6) Excludes Non-creditable VAT.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Financial and Operating Indicators
(U.S. dollars, except otherwise indicated)
Six months ended June 30, 2024Six months ended June 30, 2023Variance
Total operating revenues (millions)1,4941,513(1.3%)
Total operating expenses (millions)1,3241,493(11.3%)
EBIT (millions)17020>100%
EBIT margin11.4%1.3%10.1 pp
Depreciation and amortization (millions)28324017.9%
Aircraft and engine variable lease expenses (millions)4276(44.7%)
Net income (loss) (millions)44(65)N/A
Net income (loss) margin2.9%(4.3%)7.2 pp
Earnings (loss) per share (1):   
Earnings (loss) per ADS*:   
Weighted average shares outstanding:   
Financial Indicators   
Total operating revenue per ASM (TRASM) (cents) (2)9.127.8116.7%
Average base fare per passenger52479.4%
Total ancillary revenue per passenger (3)554424.5%
Total operating revenue per passenger1079116.7%
Operating expenses per ASM (CASM) (cents) (2)8.087.714.8%
CASM ex fuel (cents) (2)5.254.7410.8%
Adjusted CASM ex fuel (cents) (2) (4)5.094.3616.8%
Operating Indicators   
Available seat miles (ASMs) (millions) (2)16,39019,362(15.3%)
Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) (millions) (2)14,13416,415(13.9%)
Load factor (5)86.2%84.8%1.4 pp
Domestic90.5%85.1%5.4 pp
International80.2%84.2%(4.0 pp)
Booked passengers (thousands) (2)14,01016,559(15.4%)
Departures (2)82,923101,318(18.2%)
Block hours (2)219,001263,514(16.9%)
Aircraft at end of period13612313
Average aircraft utilization (block hours)12.8913.39(3.8%)
Fuel gallons accrued (millions)157.15186.27(15.6%)
Average economic fuel cost per gallon (6)2.933.07(4.5%)
Average exchange rate17.1018.21(6.1%)
Exchange rate at the end of the period18.3817.077.6%
*Each ADS represents ten CPOs and each CPO represents a financial interest in one Series A share
(1) The basic and diluted loss or earnings per share are calculated in
accordance with IAS 33. Basic loss or earnings per share is calculated by
dividing net loss or earnings by the average number of shares outstanding
(excluding treasury shares). Diluted loss or earnings per share is calculated by
dividing net loss or earnings by the average number of shares outstanding
adjusted for dilutive effects.
(2) Includes schedule and charter.
(3) Includes “Other passenger revenues” and “Non-passenger revenues”.
(4) Excludes fuel expense, aircraft and engine variable lease expenses and sale
and lease-back gains.
(5) Includes schedule.
(6) Excludes Non-creditable VAT.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Operations
(In millions of U.S. dollars)
Three months ended June 30, 2024Three months ended June 30, 2023Variance
Operating revenues:   
Passenger revenues693746(7.1%)
Fare revenues349396(11.9%)
Other passenger revenues344350(1.7%)
Non-passenger revenues3336(8.3%)
Other non-passenger revenues2831(9.7%)
Total operating revenues726782(7.2%)
Other operating income(48)(3)>100%
Fuel expense224255(12.2%)
Aircraft and engine variable lease expenses454012.5%
Salaries and benefits99963.1%
Landing, take-off and navigation expenses117127(7.9%)
Sales, marketing and distribution expenses3238(15.8%)
Maintenance expenses1125(56.0%)
Depreciation and amortization503161.3%
Depreciation of right of use assets1009011.1%
Other operating expenses3032(6.3%)
Operating expenses660731(9.7%)
Operating income665129.4%
Finance income12933.3%
Finance cost(72)(57)26.3%
Exchange gain, net8560.0%
Comprehensive financing result(52)(43)20.9%
Income before income tax14875.0%
Income tax expense(4)(2)100.0%
Net income10666.7%

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Operations
(In millions of U.S. dollars)
Six months ended June 30, 2024Six months ended
June 30, 2023
Operating revenues:   
Passenger revenues1,4251,447(1.5%)
Fare revenues724782(7.4%)
Other passenger revenues7016655.4%
Non-passenger revenues69664.5%
Other non-passenger revenues58563.6%
Total operating revenues1,4941,513(1.3%)
Other operating income(93)(4)>100%
Fuel expense464576(19.4%)
Aircraft and engine variable lease expenses4276(44.7%)
Salaries and benefits2011877.5%
Landing, take-off and navigation expenses2442373.0%
Sales, marketing and distribution expenses78745.4%
Maintenance expenses4851(5.9%)
Depreciation and amortization856334.9%
Depreciation of right of use assets19817711.9%
Other operating expenses57561.8%
Operating expenses1,3241,493(11.3%)
Operating income17020>100%
Finance income241650.0%
Finance cost(134)(115)16.5%
Exchange gain (loss), net2(8)N/A
Comprehensive financing result(108)(107)0.9%
Income (loss) before income tax62(87)N/A
Income tax (expense) benefit(18)22N/A
Net income (loss)44(65)N/A

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of Total Ancillary Revenue per Passenger
The following table provides additional details about the components of total ancillary revenue for the quarter:
(In millions of U.S. dollars)
Three months ended June 30, 2024Three months ended June 30, 2023Variance
Other passenger revenues344350(1.7%)
Non-passenger revenues3336(8.3%)
Total ancillary revenues377386(2.3%)
Booked passengers (thousands) (1)7,0878,373(15.4%)
Total ancillary revenue per passenger534615.3%
(1) Includes schedule and charter.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of Total Ancillary Revenue per Passenger
The following table provides additional details about the components of total ancillary revenue for the first half of the year:
(In millions of U.S. dollars)
Six months ended June 30, 2024Six months ended June 30, 2023Variance
Other passenger revenues7016655.4%
Non-passenger revenues69664.5%
Total ancillary revenues7707315.3%
Booked passengers (thousands) (1)14,01016,559(15.4%)
Total ancillary revenue per passenger554424.5%
(1) Includes schedule and charter.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

(In millions of U.S. dollars)
As of June 30, 2024
As of December 31, 2023
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash758774
Short-term investments1615
Total cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and short-term investments (1)774-
Accounts receivable, net226251
Guarantee deposits200148
Prepaid expenses and other current assets5744
Total current assets1,2731,248
Right of use assets2,4362,338
Rotable spare parts, furniture and equipment, net954805
Intangible assets, net2116
Derivatives financial instruments12
Deferred income taxes249236
Guarantee deposits441462
Other long-term assets4339
Total non-current assets4,1453,898
Total assets5,4185,146
Liabilities and equity  
Unearned transportation revenue459343
Accounts payable209250
Accrued liabilities184163
Other taxes and fees payable271262
Income taxes payable148
Financial debt325220
Lease liabilities357373
Other liabilities62
Total short-term liabilities1,8251,621
Financial debt313433
Accrued liabilities1014
Employee benefits1515
Deferred income taxes1616
Lease liabilities2,6462,518
Other liabilities307286
Total long-term liabilities3,3073,282
Total liabilities5,1324,903
Capital stock248248
Treasury shares(12)(12)
Contributions for future capital increases--
Legal reserve1717
Additional paid-in capital284282
Accumulated deficit(104)(148)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(147)(144)
Total equity286243
Total liabilities and equity5,4185,146
(1) Non-GAAP measure.  

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows – Cash Flow Data Summary
(In millions of U.S. dollars)
Three months ended June 30, 2024Three months ended June 30, 2023
Net cash flow provided by operating activities304159
Net cash flow used in investing activities(141)(102)
Net cash flow used in financing activities*(149)(109)
Increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash14(52)
Net foreign exchange differences(8)3
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period752704
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period758655
*Includes aircraft rental payments of $143 million and $131 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows – Cash Flow Data Summary
(In millions of U.S. dollars)
Six months ended June 30, 2024Six months ended June 30, 2023
Net cash flow provided by operating activities549367
Net cash flow used in investing activities(238)(211)
Net cash flow used in financing activities*(320)(219)
Decrease in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash(9)(63)
Net foreign exchange differences(7)6
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period774712
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period758655
*Includes aircraft rental payments of $284 million and $258 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively.

